At the final public event organised for the CLEOPATRA project, many of the ESRs presented syntheses of their research and key findings in a poster session. You can view the posters below.

Tin Kuculo (ESR1) ESR1 poster

Sara Abdollahi (ESR2) ESR2 poster

Elisavet Koutsiana (ESR4) ESR4 poster

Gullal Singh Cheema (ESR7) ESR7 poster

Golsa Tahmasebzadeh (ESR8) ESR8 poster

Caio Mello (ESR10) ESR10 poster

Abdul Sittar (ESR11) ESR11 poster

Swati (ESR12) ESR12 poster

Diego Alves (ESR14) ESR14 poster

Gaurish Thakkar (ESR15) ESR15 poster

Sahar Tahmasebi (ESR18) ESR18 poster